Welcome to Mary Mary World....

I hope you enjoy your stay. My motto is: "Always be yourself! No one can ever say you are doing it wrong!!"

Sunday, February 28, 2010

My Blogging Plans.....

This week I'm planning on taking each day to introduce the individuals in my household. Here is my planned schedule:
Sunday (this evening).....I'll blog about me.....who I think I am and who I want to be.
Monday....Michael (my hubby)
Tuesday....Ashley (my oldest stepdaughter, AGE:17)
Wednesday....Conner (my eldest child, daughter, AGE:15)
Thursday....Vince (my youngest child, son, AGE:13)
Friday....Anna Michael (my part-time, doesn't live us, youngest stepdaughter, AGE:11)
Saturday....My Extended Family
Sunday (next week)....Willie Nelson, Bentley, & Scooter (the poodles)

If you like reading about drama, crazy people, and funny stories......TUNE IN TO Mary Mary World this week. You are guaranteed to meet some interesting individuals.


  1. Yay, I love funny stories about other people... can't wait!

  2. Ahaha! This should be interesting! Blog is looking great, by the way! I'm going to put up pics of our weekend in Baton Rouge...also going to start working on some paintings tonight.

  3. Tagged you with something on my blog.

  4. that's a great idea... it's always nice to learn a bit more about a fellow blogger!

  5. Sounds like a great plan! Look forward to hearing more.

  6. Still waiting....

    **Left you something on my blog!
